Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

BHASVIC students celebrate their results

National Summer 2024 Exams Calendar

See Exams Webpage for all Results and Exams services. A new calendar for the 2024-25 exams will be published in December.


Certificates will be ready to collect from the Exams office from 4th December 2023 to 28th March 2024 

Term time office opening times are:

8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Thursday
8:00am – 3:30pm Friday.

Please bring your BHASVIC ID. We cannot give certificates to anyone else unless we have written permission, please email exams@bhasvic.ac.uk


Key Dates

Date and time


Links to further information

10th January 2024 to 19th January 2024

BTEC exams

See your exam entry and seating plan document for personal dates and times

8 am, 11th January 2024

GCSE November resit results


Midday, 29th January 2024

Request an A Level resit in Summer 2024

Information and request form

Midday, 31st January 2024

Request to sit a British Sign Language exam

Information and request form

21st March 2024

BTEC Results – from the January series


25th and 26th March

A2 Seating plans available for collection (Elms building social space, ground floor)


27th March 2024

Request a BTEC resit – Summer 2024


29th March 2024

Request a BTEC resit – Summer 2024

Information and request form 

16th and 17th April

A1 Seating plans available for collection (Elms building social space, ground floor)


18th April

STEP registration form deadline


24th April – 10th May

A1 internal exams


13th May – 26th June

Summer A-Level, BTEC and GCSE exams

Information and Summer Exams Calendar

6th June

Summer A Level contingency afternoon


13th June

Summer A Level contingency afternoon


26th June

Summer A Level contingency day


8 am, 15th August 2024 (TBC)

A Level results


Who to Contact

New students


UCAS applications, Careers, Further Education, Employment, Apprenticeships


A query about your academic experience at BHASVIC 


Exam and resit queries 


How to pay

Some exam services require payment, please pay using ParentPay or call the finance office via reception on 01273 552200.

BHASVIC Exam Results

You can find the most recent and historic exam results at BHASVIC in Reports.

External candidates

We do not accept applications from external candidates wishing to undertake exams. We can accept applications from ex-BHASVIC students but only for resitting subjects they have already taken with us.