Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.


Welcome to your student dashboard

Use myBHASVIC to open our digital platforms, such as Planet eStream, SharePoint and CEDAR.

For your convenience please bookmark this page, please scroll down for information.

Jobs (full and part-time): Students and ex-students requesting a reference for employment are required to nominate Student References as referee via:

Email: generalreferences@bhasvic.ac.uk
Post: Student References, General Office, BHASVIC, 205 Dyke Road, Hove, BN3 6EG
Fax: 01273 559111

As a student, BHASVIC will offer you:

• clear and accurate information, readily available, about the college, its courses, its services and student support

• fair and efficient admissions arrangements

• an effective induction programme

• a stimulating programme of learning

• excellent teaching

• balanced, timely and impartial advice from staff

• access to a wide range of enrichment and career development opportunities

• effective support and guidance including post exam advice and guidance

• effective careers information, advice and guidance and support with applications to continued study and/or employment

• efficient, helpful and courteous service from all BHASVIC staff

• equality of opportunity

• a fair, effective and responsive complaints procedure

• opportunity to comment on the quality of service you receive

• opportunity to shape the college’s mission

• a safe and appropriate working environment

• representation through an elected student union

As a student, BHASVIC will expect of you:

• respect for all members of the college and local community

• acceptance of responsibility for your own learning with the support of college staff

• a duty to act as positive ambassadors for the college in language, attitude and behaviour

• compliance with health and safety regulations and acceptable use of all college resources

• adherence to the college’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Single Equality Scheme

• adherence to the Student College Contract

• respect for the fabric of the buildings and the facilities in college

• abidance by the college rules, regulations and disciplinary procedures

• the return of all books and equipment belonging to the college in the same condition as that in which they were received

• regular attendance and punctuality

• completion of your work to the best of your ability, by set deadlines for your chosen programme of study

• accountability for absence and lateness from all time-tabled commitments

• that you will not take holiday during term time

• active participation in your learning and in reviews of progress

• prompt settlement of any payments due to the college


Students may expect:

• Automatic membership of BHASVIC’s Students’ Union (SU)

• The right to apply for membership of the National Union of Students (NUS)

• The right to apply to access SU services in and around college, regardless of NUS Membership.

• The right to two SU places as Student Governors at BHASVIC Corporation meetings.

• The right to apply for financial support for groups of students to set up clubs, societies or enrichment, providing adherence to the SU Charter for clubs and societies.

• That the SU has no party political bias in its activities.

• That the SU does not provide financial support for any political party.

• A voice through tutor group representation on the Student Council.

• Freedom of speech within the law and college policy at Student Council meetings for students and officers.

With the arrival of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) on 25 May 2018, the processing of personal information needs to be more transparent and your personal rights have been enhanced to give you greater control over how your data is handled. 

BHASVIC take the privacy and protection of your information very seriously.  In line with our GDPR obligations, we are obliged to inform you that your personal data is held, how it is shared and processed. Our Privacy Notice for students, which explains how we handle your data, has been enhanced and you can view this here: BHASVIC Privacy Notice for Students

ESFA Privacy Notice for Students