Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

General Exam support and advice

This page provides you with links to further advice and support about exams and next steps (internal and external).

General Post-Results Advice

Ofqual Student Guide 2023

a Student Guide to this summer's final AS Level, A Level and GCSE exams. 

Ofqual Student Letter 

about grades and results

Talking to my teacher 

Please be aware that teachers are on annual leave during the college holidays.  However, the college will be able to provide general advice on all these matters, as well as offering the specialist services detailed on this page, via the appropriate service.


BHASVIC Results Day Careers Information

a range of resources with website links to support you with decision making and options around Results Day. (BHASVIC Results Day Careers Information PDF Version).

BHASVIC Higher Education Page


Clearing Search on UCAS

a list of courses you can check now, it will be updated.

A UCAS Guide to preparing for Results Day


The UCAS Clearing Choices page

view podcasts for students and parents about how to prepare ahead of results day

UCAS Undergraduate Clearing and Results Day - can I change my mind?




BHASVIC Careers and Employability Page


National Careers Service

Exam Results Helpline on 0800 100 900 for free advice. The helpline is open until a week after GCSE Results Day.

Post BHASVIC careers support

access to jobs board, volunteering work experience and careers events. 

Student Advice - Youth Employment UK


Wellbeing Resources

BHASVIC Wellbeing Page


BHASVIC A-Z Young Peoples' Support Guide


Youth Employment UK

ways to stay calm and reduce anxiety on Results Day

If you are still very concerned about your own, or someone else’s, wellbeing, then you can contact primary mental health support via the schools wellbeing service, by e-mailing SWSConsultationLine@brighton-hove.gov.uk.

Ex-BHASVIC Students, Alumni, References and UCAS

BHASVIC Ex-students Page

where you can also learn about and sign up for becoming one of our BHASVIC Alumni

Advice for BHASVIC ex-students on completing their UCAS Application