Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.


BHASVIC is open to all applicants who are able to cope with and benefit from a Study Programme that we offer. If we cannot offer anything suitable we will tell you.

The College's Entry Requirements are subject to change up to the 1st November prior to the application deadline, which is the first Friday in December. We ask all applicants to re-check our Entry Requirements in November before completing an application to the College.

When you apply to BHASVIC you will need to meet two sets of Entry Requirements, for an overall Study Programme and for the specific Courses of interest to you.

Study Programme Entry Requirements:

At BHASVIC your Study Programme refers to all of the courses and qualifications which you choose to study combined.

Study Programme most commonly involves three single A level or equivalent courses which is the normal requirement for entry to higher education. The majority of BHASVIC students will enrol on such a Study Programme but some students may choose to study Double Maths with two additional A levels. The BTEC programme provides qualifications which are equivalent to 1, 1.5 or 2 A levels. Online tariff charts provided by UCAS can be used to ascertain grade equivalency.

Only full GCSE qualifications count for BHASVIC entry requirements. Qualifications which the college considers to be GCSE equivalents, such as full Level 2 BTECs and iGCSEs, count as one, single GCSE equivalent, whether they are single or double qualifications. Short GCSEs and short Level 2 courses will not count towards entry requirements. It is not possible to provide a definitive list of all qualifications which the college will accept in lieu of a GCSE and if you are studying alternative qualifications we advise that you check these with our Admissions Team prior to submitting your application.

Students who have not already achieved grade 4 in English Language or Maths GCSE must continue to study a resit course alongside other subjects. Students who have a 4 in English Literature but not English Language are advised to consult carefully with an enrolment advisor or contact Admissions after GCSE Results Day in August.

If you are an E.U. resident and have not attended an international school you will be required to have an IELTS Academic score of 5.5 in order to take any Level 3 course at BHASVIC.

  Minimum Entry Requirements for BHASVIC Study Programmes


Five GCSEs at grade 4 or above in five different subjects. This must include a minimum of grade 4 in English Language GCSE or Maths GCSE.

This Study Programme is made up of three single blocks of L3 study, at least one of which will be a BTEC / WJEC Level 3 qualification (for example, an A level and a double BTEC, two single BTECs and an A level etc). All L3 qualifications are A level equivalent at BHASVIC.

3 A levels

Six GCSEs, with a minimum of five grade 4 and one grade 6. These must be in a minimum of five different subjects. This must include a minimum of grade 4 in English Language GCSE or Maths GCSE.

This Study Programme is made up of three single blocks of L3 study (for example, two A levels and a single BTEC, three A levels, etc). We will discuss with you at interview and enrolment whether three A levels or two A levels and a single BTEC is most suitable for you, depending on your GCSE grades.

For those considering Maths and Further Maths alongside two other A Levels – see the course entry section below


BHASVIC also runs a full-time Study Programme for students to learn English - English as Second or Other Language. Please visit our dedicated ESOL webpage for more information and application links.


Course Entry Requirements:

It is expected that if you have studied a subject at GCSE that you wish to continue at A level, you must have gained at least Grade 4, or if you have taken the Higher Diploma (Level 2) you need to have passed your Principal Learning with at least a Pass or Grade 4.

The Entry Requirement for each course is also available from the individual course page from our Courses menu.

Course Qualification Course Entry Requirements

Art, Fine Art

A level

4 in Art GCSE


A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

5 in Maths GCSE and

Two grade 6s in two Science GCSEs (Combined Sciences accepted but not Applied Science)


A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

4 in Maths GCSE


BTEC Level 3

4 in English Language GCSE or

4 in Maths GCSE


A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

5 in Maths GCSE and

Two grade 6s in two Science GCSEs (Combined Sciences accepted but not Applied Science)

Classical Civilisation

A level

4 in English Language GCSE

Computer Science

A level

6 in Maths GCSE.
You do not need to have studied Computer Science or IT at GCSE/Level 2

Computing (Games, Apps and Encryption)

BTEC Level 3

4 in English Language GCSE and

4 in Maths GCSE

Creative Digital Media Production 

BTEC Level 3

4 in English Language GCSE.

You do not need to have any prior camera or editing experience for this course, but should have a willingness to learn


WJEC Level 3

No specific course entry requirement


A level

4 in Dance GCSE or

Grade 5 Ballet

An audition is required if neither is held.

Drama and Theatre Studies

A level

5 in English Literature GCSE


A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

4 in Maths GCSE

English Language

A level

4 in English Language GCSE

English Language and Literature

A level

4 in English Language GCSE

English Literature

A level

4 in English Language GCSE

English GCSE


3 or below in English Language GCSE

English for Speakers of other Languages


Students whose first language is not English

Environmental Science

A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

4 in two Science GCSEs (Combined Sciences accepted but not Applied Science)

Extended Project Qualification

Level 3

4 in English Language GCSE

Students studying the EPQ in their First Year will be selected on the strength of their GCSE qualifications

Film Studies

A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

4 in English Literature GCSE


A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

6 in French GCSE


A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

4 in Science GCSE


A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

6 in German GCSE

Graphic Design and Communication

A level

No specific course entry requirement

Health & Social Care

BTEC Level 3

4 in English Language GCSE or

4 in English Literature GCSE

History (Mediaeval and Early Modern)

A level

4 in English Language GCSE

History (Modern)

A level

4 in English Language GCSE

History of Art

A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

4 in English Literature GCSE

IT (Digital Marketing and Web Design)

BTEC Level 3

4 in English Language GCSE


A level

6 in English Language GCSE or

6 in English Literature GCSE

Law (Applied)

BTEC Level 3

4 in English Language GCSE or

4 in English Literature GCSE


A level


6 in Maths GCSE and

4 in English Language GCSE or

4 in English Literature GCSE

Mathematics (Maths and Further Maths)

A level


7 in Maths GCSE and

4 in English Language GCSE or

4 in English Literature GCSE

If you wish to take Maths and Further Maths alongside two other A levels (ie four A levels in total), you will need to have gained a minimum of four Grade 7s and three Grade 6s across all your GCSEs.

Mathematics GCSE


3 or below in Maths GCSE

Media Studies

A level

4 in English Language GCSE


A level

4 in English Language GCSE and 6 in Music GCSE if taken or Grade 5 Music Theory or Grade 5 performance on your principal instrument. If you believe you are Grade 5 or above on your instrument but have not taken a formal exam you will need to come to a theoretical and practical assessment. Students who do not have Grade 5 theory upon entry will take this exam during the first year of the course.


BTEC Level 3

4 in Music GCSE or

BTEC Level 2 Merit and

Grade 5 standard or above on main instrument desirable but not essential.

Audition required.

Music Theory

ABRSM / TCM / RSL Grades

No specific subject entry requirement.

Grade 5 Music Theory is a requirement for completing Music A level. You will take this exam during year 1 if you do not hold this qualification at entry

Performance (Acting)

BTEC Level 3

4 in English Language GCSE


A level

6 in English Language GCSE or

6 in English Literature GCSE


A level

No specific course entry requirement

Physical Education

A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

4 in Science GCSE and

6 in Physical Education GCSE


A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

6 in Maths GCSE and

Two grade 6s in 2 Science GCSEs inc. Physics or Additional Science (not Applied Science)


A level

4 in English Language GCSE


A level

4 in Maths GCSE and

4 in English Language GCSE or

4 in English Literature GCSE

Religious Studies

A level

4 in English Language GCSE


A level

4 in English Language GCSE or

4 in English Literature GCSE


A level

4 in English Language GCSE and

6 in Spanish GCSE

Sport and Exercise Science

BTEC Level 3
(single / double)

4 in Maths GCSE and

4 in Science GCSE and

4 in English Language GCSE or

4 in English Literature GCSE


BTEC Level 3

(single / double)

4 in English Language GCSE or

4 in English Literature GCSE or

4 in Maths GCSE

Textile Design

A level

No specific course entry requirement