Chemistry A Level

Qualification: GCE A Level in Chemistry
Exam Board & Specification Code: OCR; H432; Specification
Course Entry Requirements: 4 in English Language GCSE and 5 in Maths GCSE and 2x Grade 6s in 2 Sciences at GCSE (Chemistry plus one other, Combined Science accepted but not Applied Science)
Please make sure that you have understood the overall entry requirements to study at BHASVIC. These are available here and outline the GCSE grades you need to take up one of the Study Programmes at the college.
Length and size of qualification: 2 year single course
Timetable hours: 4.5 hours per week
Assessment method: 3 exams of varying length plus a practical assessment
BHASVIC Department: Chemistry and Physics

Heads of Department - Sandra Clinton - Lucy Day

What will I study?

You will learn about atoms, compounds, acid-base and redox reactions. You will learn why things happen and why they sometimes don't! We consider entropy and free energy, the transition elements and organic chemistry in detail in the second year. Lessons contain practical work and problem solving. Practical work is an important aspect, and students generally do one a week (no separate coursework component); students keep a lab book to evidence their skills. Please note that to support you in your success in this A level, the college may ask you to study one lesson per week of specialised mathematical support, targeted specifically at the content of this A level.

Is this course right for me?

Chemistry is right for you if you enjoy problem solving and like to know why things happen. Chemists are interested in applying their knowledge to practical situations. You should be able to work in groups and have the ability to focus independently. Independent study is completed in advance of studying all topics, lessons are interactive and build on this prior learning. There are lots of opportunities to get help and support from the department. Good numeracy and literacy skills are essential. A small percentage of the assessment will be pure recall – instead students are required to apply their knowledge to novel situations and be able to interpret data and draw conclusions. Good with Biology, Maths, Physics, Environmental Science.

Where next?

Chemistry is essential for a large number of careers including medicine, pharmacy, veterinary science and dentistry. Students could also progress into careers in pharmaceuticals, food technology, manufacturing, petrochemicals, journalism and publishing, sales, forensics and teaching. Chemistry helps you to develop research, problem solving and analytical skills. It helps to you challenge ideas as well as working out solutions through logic and step-by-step reasoning. This subject also often requires teamwork and communication skills too, which are useful when working on projects. Useful websites to research careers and wider progression options could include The Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemistry World, All About Careers and The Apprenticeship Guide.

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Last year, 78 BHASVIC students went onto study Engineering related degrees at 32 different universities.

Engineering degrees come in a wide variety of choice and cross all science subjects. Interesting choices for students last year were Flood and Coastal Engineering and Renewable Energy Engineering. In addition, we had students go onto study Architecture and related construction degrees.

Popular universities included Bristol, Loughborough, Swansea and Bath. In addition, students went onto study Engineering at Imperial in London and Cambridge.

Should I study Engineering at degree level?

There are a wide range of engineering options that students can choose between. Options include foundation and placement years, and industrial experience. You will have about 20 hours of teaching each week, mainly lectures, but also tutorials and laboratory experiments. Contact time is higher studying science degrees due to lab work. Modules might include Thermofluids, Engineering concepts, Materials and manufacture, Dynamics and control, Systems modelling.

Types of Engineering degree

There are a huge range of interesting engineering options including:

  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Software
  • Civil
  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Architectural
  • Robotics
  • Biochemical

and many more.

Entry Requirements

A-levels (or equivalent) usually required a mix of Sciences, Computing and Maths. It is wort exploring degree entry requirements of thinking of taking a particular route.

Top Universities for Engineering

Bristol, Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, Durham
Cardiff, Bristol UWE, Liverpool John Moores – all very high student satisfaction scores
London South Bank, Bournemouth, Exeter- all with top graduate prospects

Many of our students choose a combined degree - applications from our students have included:

  • Architectural Engineering (Year in Industry)
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering with a Year in Industry
  • Product Design Engineering with Foundation Year

Example entry requirements (please check):

A-Level/BTEC equivalents:


Why not try a foundation degree or higher apprenticeship?
For example: Engineering Degree Apprentice Siemens

Some examples of Engineering-related degrees that our BHASVIC students have gone onto study in the past few years are:

  • Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Aeronautics and Astronautics / Spacecraft Engineering
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Architecture and Environmental Engineering
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Architectural Engineering (Year in Industry)
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemical and Nuclear Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Civil Engineering (Year in Industry)
  • Design Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Innovation
  • Electronic and Information Engineering
  • Electronic Engineering with Artificial Intelligence
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Robotics
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Engineering Geology and Geotechnics
  • Flood and Coastal Engineering
  • General Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry
  • Mechanical Engineering with Robotics
  • Mechanical Engineering/Mechatronics
  • Mechanical Engineering / Naval Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
  • Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering with a Year in Industry
  • Robotics Engineering
  • Renewable Energy Engineering

Engineers use their analytical skills and aptitude working with ground-breaking technologies to enhance people's lives.

  • Building services engineer
  • Energy Engineer
  • Network Engineer
  • Environmental consultant
  • Sustainability consultant
  • Broadcast engineer
  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer
  • Project manager
  • Product/process development scientist

Career Prospects

Engineers are in demand across multiple industries, particularly in the oil industry, and in the car industry, in design and manufacturing. Jobs are all around the country, with Scotland and the Southeast the most likely places for a new mechanical engineer to find work.

An engineering degree will help you gain specific technical training, knowledge of issues and the ability to plan, prioritise and solve problems under pressure and to deadlines. These skills are in demand from employers in the oil and gas industry, aerospace, car industry, electricity generators and suppliers, technical consultancy, defence and the Armed Forces.

Local Market Information

Network Rail
Network Rail are taking applications for their apprenticeship scheme production. 50% are based in London and the Southeast, many of which work on a freelance basis.

Examples of apprenticeships and opportunities include:

  • Field Engineer UK Govt
  • Unified Communications Technician Apprentice
  • UK Government Degree Apprenticeship in Electronic Engineering

We have an excellent careers page and careers advisors who are available for appointments.

Last year, 109 BHASVIC students went onto study Medical Careers related degrees at 41 different universities.

Courses were varied and included Veterinary Physiotherapy, Diagnostic Radiography, Medicinal Chemistry, Optometry, Podiatry as well as Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedic Science.

In addition, 5 students went onto study Veterinary Scienc, e, including 2 students at Cambridge, and 18 students went onto study Medicine, 1 student at Imperial.

Popular universities included Bristol, Bristol UWE, Royal Veterinary College, Brighton, Nottingham and Southampton.

Should I study a Medical Career at degree level?

Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry are highly competitive but there are a huge range of related degrees that are healthcare related. There is a huge range of healthcare degrees  Nursing and specialism e.g. Adult, Midwifery, Podiatry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy and many more.

Entry Requirements

Medicine is highly competitive – 3 A grades at A level but there may be other pathways. Our BHASVIC MedSoc which students can sign up for on enrolment gives lots of information.

Other healthcare degrees ask for a range of A levels and grades and there may well be opportunities for foundation years to build up scientific skills.

Top Universities for Maths

Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow, Swansea, UCL
Queen Mary’s, Newcastle, Bristol, Sheffield – all very high student satisfaction scores
Aberdeen, Exeter, BSMS, Cardiff - all with 100% top graduate prospects

Many of our students choose a Medical Career degree - applications from our students have included:

  • Diagnostic Radiography
  • Pharmacy with Integrated Foundation Year
  • Adult Nursing
  • Midwifery
  • Physiotherapy

Example entry requirements (please check):

A-Level/BTEC equivalents:

Aberdeen (Medicine)/A*AA
Bath (Pharmacy)/BBC
Liverpool (Nursing)/BBB
Middlesex (Veterinary Nursing with Foundation Year)/DD

Some examples of Healthcare-related degrees that our BHASVIC students have gone onto study in the past few years are:

  • Adult Nursing
  • Applied Medical Sciences
  • Adult Nursing (September) with Foundation Year
  • Animal Behaviour and Welfare (Clinical)
  • Animal Science
  • Applied Anatomy
  • Biological Sciences (Neuroscience)
  • Biomedical Science
  • Bioveterinary Sciences
  • Chemistry with Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
  • Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
  • Chemistry with Medicinal Sciences
  • Children's Nursing
  • Dental Nursing
  • Diagnostic Radiography
  • Diagnostic Radiography with Foundation Year
  • Extended Medical Degree Programme
  • Exercise, Nutrition and Health
  • Gateway to Medicine
  • Health and Exercise Science
  • Health Professions (Foundation Year)
  • Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science
  • Human Biology (with placement year)
  • Master of Nursing (Adult and Mental Health Dual Registration)
  • Medical Neuroscience
  • Medicinal Chemistry with Pharmacology with a Year Abroad
  • Medical Sciences
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Medicine
  • Medicine and Surgery
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Midwifery: Registered Midwife
  • Neuroscience
  • Nursing (Adult)
  • Nursing (Child)
  • Nursing (Mental Health)
  • Nutritional Sciences
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Optometry
  • Oral and Dental Health Sciences (Dental Hygiene and Therapy)
  • Osteopathy
  • Paramedic Science
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics
  • Physiological Science
  • Physiotherapy
  • Physics with Medical Applications
  • Physiotherapy with Integrated Masters
  • Podiatry
  • Sexual Health
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Veterinary Nursing
  • Veterinary Gateway Programme
  • Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour
  • Veterinary Physiotherapy (with Placement)

Medical-related studies are vocational, developing practical and clinical capabilities, as well as the professional and personal attributes necessary to follow chosen careersCivil Service

There are over 60 specialist areas of medicine; information on each can be found at NHS Health Careers

  • Anaesthetist
  • Healthcare scientist, genomics
  • International aid/development worker
  • Medicinal chemist
  • Mental health nurse
  • Neurologist
  • Research scientist (life sciences)
  • Science writer

Career Prospects

If you choose to go onto medicine and healthcare there are lots of different specialties to choose from.

Nursing is the subject with the most degree graduates. We'll always need nurses in this country, so it's no surprise to see that the very large majority of nursing graduates go on to become nurses, and that starting salaries are pretty competitive. There are lots of different specialties to choose from (including midwifery), and the most common by far is adult nursing, but the typical end result for graduates is the same – they go on to become nurses (or midwives).

Local Market Information

It is worth checking out the NHS Healthcare Apprenticeship route. This could be a good way to going into a Healthcare-related career without needing to go down the degree route. Severe shortages across many NHS sectors mean that Healthcare professionals are highly sought after.

Examples of apprenticeships and opportunities include:

  • Team Administrator NHS Foundation Trust
  • Paediatric Occupational Therapist
  • Study for a Diploma in Clinical Healthcare Support

We have an excellent careers page and careers advisors who are available for appointments.

You will gain many transferable skills studying Medical careers that will be valued in the workplace including:

Teamwork, IT & Technology, Problem solving, Social Skills, Organisation, Numeracy, Communication, Attention to detail, Creative thinking, Analytics, Project Management

Local Skills

The Local Skills agenda considers job prospects and employment in our local area of Sussex. Many of our students will contribute to the National Skills agenda and go onto find a career in a wide range of sectors. For students in Sussex our local skills are identified as the following sectors:

Engineering and Manufacturing        
Digital (includes IT and Technology)
Visitor and Cultural Industries (includes Hospitality, Cultural & Arts)          
Land-based (includes Agriculture and Viticulture)   
Health and Care (includes Bio Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical) 

Degree choices our BHASVIC students went onto study that match the Local Skills agenda for Healthcare include:

  • Adult Nursing
  • Applied Medical Sciences
  • Applied Psychology (Clinical)
  • British Sign Language (Interpreting, Translating and Applied Language Studies)
  • Chemistry with Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
  • Children's Nursing
  • Counselling and Mental Health
  • Exercise, Nutrition and Health
  • Health and Exercise Science
  • Health Professions (Foundation Year)
  • Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science
  • Medicinal Chemistry with Pharmacology with a Year Abroad
  • Medicine
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Midwifery
  • Nursing (Adult)
  • Nursing (Child)
  • Nursing Child and Mental Health
  • Nutritional Sciences
  • Optometry
  • Osteopathy
  • Paramedic Science
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences (Foundation)
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics
  • Pharmacy
  • Physics with Medical Applications
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychology with Clinical Psychology
  • Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Psychology with Mental Health
  • Psychology with Neuroscience
  • Psychology, Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences
  • Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Sport and Exercise Science with Foundation Year
  • Sport Rehabilitation
  • Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
  • Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science
  • Sports & Exercise Therapy
  • Veterinary Medicine