Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

Classical Civilisation A Level

Qualification: GCE A Level in Classical Civilisation
Exam Board & Specification Code: OCR; H408; Specification
Course Entry Requirements: 4 in English Language GCSE
Please make sure that you have understood the overall entry requirements to study at BHASVIC. These are available here and outline the GCSE grades you need to take up one of the Study Programmes at the college.
Length and size of qualification: 2 year single course
Timetable hours: 4.5 hours per week
Assessment method: 3 exams of varying lengths
BHASVIC Department: Humanities

Head of Department Howard Brown

What will I study?

Classical Civilisation is a fascinating subject which fosters an understanding of ancient Greece and Rome. This allows for a greater understanding of our own culture and civilisation, which owes so much to Greece and Rome. Democracy, justice, empire and conflict are just some of the many concepts that will underpin your study. You will learn about some of the greatest figures in world history such as the heroic figures of Homer’s epics: Odysseus, Achilles, Hector, Aeneas and Helen of Troy. You will also be introduced to some of the major political figures including Julius Caesar, Cicero, Pompey, Themistocles, Xerxes and Leonidas. Students will also learn about some of the great battles of the past such as Thermopylae, Salamis and Troy. The vibrant works of Homer, Cicero, Virgil and Herodotus are our starting point to investigate the beliefs, history, myth and society of antiquity. You will study ancient epic, history, drama and politics.

Is this course right for me?

Do you love ancient history? Do you enjoy ancient myths and legends? Do you spend a lot of your free time reading? Did you enjoy watching films set in the ancient world like 300, Pompeii, Rome or Clash of the Titans? All of these would be an advantage to students taking the subject. Students will succeed best on this course if they are self-motivated and independent learners willing to share their ideas, and participate in discussions, debates and seminars. Students need to be able to structure well-balanced arguments in essay-style questions. It presupposes no knowledge of ancient languages and will appeal to anyone interested in the ancient past. Texts are studied in English translation and you are assessed entirely by examination. It combines especially well with all humanities, language and literature courses and is supported by study visits abroad.

Where next?

Classical Civilisation is a well-respected qualification that enables you to study a mixture of classics, history and literature. It develops a wide range of skills that are transferable to further study or the workplace such as analytical skills, communication, critical evaluation, cultural awareness and assessing and interpreting information. Students move on to a range of roles; examples might be Chartered Accountant, Civil Service employee, Heritage Manager, Market Researcher, Curator and Journalist. Apprenticeship routes are available in a variety of sectors, not only in the cultural and heritage sector. Useful websites to research careers and wider progression options could include Prospects, Museum and Heritage websites, All About Careers and The Apprenticeship Guide.

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Higher Education - Classics

Last year, 25 BHASVIC students went onto study Classics-related degrees at 11 different universities

This included 6 students going onto study Archaeology. It is popular combined with other subjects including English, History and History of Art. Last year 33% of our A2 Classics students went on to study the subject at degree level. Popular universities for our students included Bristol, Durham, UEA, York, Kings College and Manchester.

Should I study Classics at degree level?

As a humanities subject, there are about 10 hours of contact time per week, with a mix of lectures and seminars. The content varies over the optional modules, but is usually challenging and engaging. Modules typically include Latin & Greek, History of thought, Comedy, The ancient novel, Greek tragedy, Emotions in the ancient world, Metamorphosis in Greece and Rome, Sex and the symposium: Athenian painted pottery, Greeks on being good (and evil). The average contact time is around 10 hours a week which varies vary from university to university.

You can choose to study Classics or a closely related subject, for example

· Ancient History

· Archaeology

· Classical Civilisation

· Egyptology

· A combined degree with a range of subjects

Entry Requirements

A-levels (or equivalent) useful to have: History, English literature, Modern foreign language, Classical civilisation.

Top Universities for Biology

Cambridge, Oxford, St Andrews, Durham, Exeter Warwick, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Roehampton – all very high student satisfaction scores Birmingham, Bristol, Kent, Royal Holloway - all with top graduate prospects

Many of our students choose a combined degree - applications from our students have included

· Ancient, Medieval and Modern History

· Classical Civilisation and Philosophy

· Egyptology

Example entry requirements (please check):

A-Level/BTEC equivalents:

Newcastle/ ABB Bristol/BBC Reading/ BBB Nottingham (foundation)/CDD

Why not explore studying in English abroad?

Classics and Ancient Civilizations University of Amsterdam

Some examples of Classics-related degrees that our BHASVIC students have gone onto study in the past few years are:

· Ancient World with a Year Abroad

· Ancient, Medieval and Modern History

· Anthropology and Archaeology

· Archaeology and Ancient Civilisations

· Classical Archaeology and Ancient History

· Classical and Archaeological Studies

· Classical Civilisation and Philosophy

· Egyptology Classical Studies Classics

· Historical Archaeology

· History and Ancient History

· Modern Languages and Classical Studies