English Literature A Level
Qualification: GCE A Level in English Literature
Exam Board & Specification Code: WJEC Eduqas; Specification
Course Entry Requirements: 4 in English Language GCSE
Please make sure that you have understood the overall entry requirements to study at BHASVIC. These are available here and outline the GCSE grades you need to take up one of the Study Programmes at the college.
Length and size of qualification: 2 year single course
Timetable hours: 4.5 hours per week
Assessment method: 3 x 2 hour exams (80%) plus coursework assignment (20%)
BHASVIC Department: English
What will I study?
You will explore a range of exciting and challenging literary texts, including novels, poetry and plays from across the last 500 years as well as 21st century texts, all of which have stood the test of time and proved themselves to be great writing. You willl study literature that has "never finished saying what it has to say." You’ll be encouraged to read widely, independently and in-depth.
Is this course right for me?
Those who love reading literary texts, thinking about how they are written, who wrote them and what other readers think about them, discussing and writing about what they might mean should take this course.
Where next?
A good grasp of the English language, literacy and communication is essential in many careers. This subject will help to develop your critical and interpersonal skills. Every business, whether in the publishing industry, marketing or financial sectors, needs staff to present products and services in a professional and attractive manner. If you enjoy writing, you may find that you already have a number of the skills that employers are looking for. More and more businesses are increasing their online presence, and need articulate individuals to promote their products and services to a global audience. Roles can include apprenticeships in legal services, journalism, recruitment, digital marketing and social media amongst others. For students who wish to continue their studies to degree level there are a large number of options available, these include Digital Copywriter, Editorial Assistant, English as a Foreign Language Teacher, Web Content Manager. Possible future careers where English Literature would be useful include: Academic Librarian, Advertising Account Executive, Arts Administrator, Information Officer, Primary School Teacher, Public Relations Officer etc. Useful websites to research careers and wider progression options could include NCTJ, All About Careers and The Apprenticeship Guide.