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Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

12th February 2020

BHASVIC is a pipeline to world-class institutions

BHASVIC students have received a multitude of offers from Oxford, Cambridge and other leading Universities this year

BHASVIC students have received a multitude of offers from Oxford, Cambridge and other leading Universities this year, yet again demonstrating that the college is one of the largest providers to these prestigious Higher Education establishments. 

Fifty-five students are in receipt of an offer to Oxford or Cambridge this year, which means a total of 160 students have been offered a place to study at Oxbridge in the last three years alone, showing that BHASVIC is a pipeline to these world-class institutions. Thirty-six students have been accepted in to Cambridge with nineteen heading to Oxford – so long as they meet the grades required. The group of students have been drawn from 25 different schools from across the region (see below). Between them, they have selected 25 different degrees to be studied at 26 different colleges. For the first time, more students have been offered a place for Computer Sciences than Natural Sciences. Four students are in receipt of an offer to study Computer Sciences at Cambridge, where there are 11 applicants per place. As in previous years, social mobility is a strong driver of our commitment to support students through the application process and this year 19 students from this cohort have been part of our Widening Participation programme which aims to work with students whose parents do not have HE qualifications or those who come from areas with low HE participation. 

Offers have for other highly selective courses and institutions include one for Berniya Hamie, who has been awarded a full scholarship covering four years' tuition fees to study piano and cello (joint first) at the Royal College of Music. Berniya said: “Coming to BHASVIC allowed me considerably more independence and time to pursue my musical activities to a higher level, providing the space needed for a musician to fit in practice and manage their timetable; I have found that since coming to BHASVIC I have improved immensely. The college also gave me the opportunity to perform with some other students at the TUC Annual Congress in 2019 which was a wonderful experience.”

We asked some more of our students what difference BHASVIC had made in their aspirations and journey towards receiving an Oxbridge offer. John David with an offer to study Geography at Oxford University – St Hilda’s said: “Instead of putting Oxbridge on a pedestal, BHASVIC Oxbridge Co-ordinator Neil Commin simplifies and demystifies the admissions process. This gives you so much confidence going into the interview stage.”

Sophie Payne who has an offer to study Medicine at Oxford University – Queen’s stated: “BHASVIC’s Oxbridge team has been instrumental in supporting my application offering personal statement advice, interview skills and UCAS guidance. Staff really care about our applications and cheered us on through the entire process. Every bit of help I have received has given me the confidence to apply to university as myself, with a genuine and unique application I am proud of”.

Luke Cahill with a History offer for Oxford University – Hertford explained : "I would have never have considered applying to Oxford had I not come to BHASVIC. The Oxbridge scheme, particularly BHASVIC’s Oxbridge Co-ordinator Neil Commin, is wonderful at encouraging students who may not have considered applying to do so."

Principal William Baldwin said: ‘For an open access state funded sixth form college to be consistently getting over 50 offers a year for students to study at Oxford or Cambridge is truly remarkable. There are often stories in the press about Oxbridge success in state schools that ignore the fact they are highly selective of those who enter their sixth form. We pride ourselves on ensuring that students with a range of academic abilities can not only come to BHASVIC, but if they are interested and aspirational they can also go on to study at Universities like Oxford or Cambridge. I’d like to thank our Oxbridge team who do some incredible work to prepare and guide students through this process, to also thank the schools who have laid the foundations for these applications. Finally, I’d like to wish our students luck as they work towards their exams and securing their offers’. 

Offers were received for students previously at: Brighton and Hove Highs School for Girls (2), Blatchington Mill (3), Brighton College (4), Cardinal Newman (3), Chailey (2), Cavendish Eastbourne (1), Dorothy Stringer (1), Eastbourne (1),  Downlands (1), Eastbourne College (1), Gilredge House (1), Heathfield Community College (1), Hove Park (1), King’s School Hove (1), Lewes Old Grammar School (1), Portslade Community College (1), Priory (7), Shoreham Academy (1), Shoreham College (1), St Paul’s (1), St Richard’s (1), Dorothy Stringer (8), Varndean (7), Warden Park (3), Willingdon (1)