Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

13th May 2019

BHASVIC Young Enterprise students compete in the County Finals

The Young Enterprise ‘Company Programme’ competition is an established nationwide annual competition that our students have participated in for the last 3 years. Students work in teams to develop a marketable business idea and plan, finance, and sell it. The process is a fantastic opportunity for our students to develop essential employability skills such as entrepreneurialism, leadership, team work, problem solving and communication. Teams are then judged by industry experts on their product, website, branding, company report, presentation, customer service, and overall performance. 

This year’s Area Finals were held in the AMEX Stadium on Thursday 25th April. 15 teams competed including 4 from BHASVIC – Soundwaves, Cove, Lifeline and Mobilize. Soundwaves sourced Bluetooth waterproof speakers, Cove manufactured organic scented candles, Lifeline branded solar powered phone chargers, and Mobilize branded smart phone accessories. Soundwaves won Best Company Report and came second place for Company of the Year. This second award meant that they competed in the County Finals held at Ricardo Engineering on Wednesday the 1st May! They competed admirably against 5 other teams from schools and colleges across West and East Sussex and won the award for Best TV advert which you can view here - https://youtu.be/yWQe-Q3FqlY

Young Enterprise is offered as a portfolio course for second year students because we feel it is a valuable learning experience for our students. A recent Young Enterprise survey showed that 95% of students participating felt they have improved at least one employability competency including Self-esteem, Problem solving and Resilience. 73% of young people agreed that working with their business advisors throughout the programme helped them understand the world of work. 81% of young people reported that programme was useful in learning how to manage money.

We’re really proud of all of our students who competed, and delighted that Soundwaves got so far in the competition! Big thanks go out to Tim Griffin in the Business & Economics team for leading the students through this competition, and Phil Roberts for volunteering to mentor our students as part of the Young Enterprise process.

Andrew Shepherd

Head of Business & Economics