Important Information


Details have been emailed to new student BHASVIC email accounts. Please check MYBHASVIC App for instructions about where to go and when on Monday. Here's the weblink Post-enrolment and Welcome Day information » myday (bhasvic.ac.uk) - you will need to login. If you require help, the college will be open again from 8am Monday 9th.

24th January 2023

Caroline Lucas MP for Brighton Pavilion visits BHASVIC

BHASVIC were very excited at having the opportunity to hear from and speak with local Green Party MP Caroline Lucas. She spoke with students eloquently about her record on the environment and anger over recent decisions made by the Government with its policies in this area and beyond. Lucas made clear her strong opposition to the planned opening of a new coal mine in Cumbria pointing out that she believes this decision to be counter-productive in the fight against climate change and stated that there should be investment in the environment funded through progressive taxation on the richest citizens of Britain, many of which in her opinion would not mind the burden. Lastly, she discussed local issues in Brighton as many of the students at the college live in her constituency, paying particular attention to the rate of homelessness in the city and the difficulties with recycling in the city.

Caroline Lucas MP for Brighton Pavilion visits BHASVIC