Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

16th March 2023

Debating Society - Toxic Masculinity

BHASVIC’s Debating Society led a lunchtime discussion in the college main hall with various views expressed on the issue of ‘toxic masculinity’. The inability to express emotions openly was highlighted as one of the harmful attributes of masculinity leading to negative mental health and aggressive antisocial behaviours. The point was also raised that all genders can manifest toxic behaviours. The proposition pointed out that over the generations there is a history of glorifying dominant male behaviours and promoting men to positions of power in society to the detriment of the well-being of women. The opposition argued that not all masculinity is toxic and that demonising a large percentage of the population can lead to some very dangerous consequences. The rise of Feminism has brought some redress but to eradicate the inequality amongst the genders and non-binary groups there is still more societal change required. Over 400 students attended the debate and there were some fantastic questions from the floor.

Toxic Masculinity Talk

Toxic Masculinity Talk

Toxic Masculinity Talk

Toxic Masculinity Talk

Toxic Masculinity Talk