Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

15th May 2024

Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Having hiked the mountains of Wales and the Lakes, volunteered hundreds of hours for good causes, and built skills and friendships along the way, 13 BHASVIC (and ex-BHASVIC) students were reunited at Buckingham Palace to receive their Gold awards from the Duke of Edinburgh himself, and to hear Tim Peake give a talk about his adventures in space. We are immensely proud of their achievements.

Pictured below are Ben McLaren, Sofiya Coleman-Khan, Ollie Wilmott-Hills, and Daniel Holland. Also receiving awards were: Lally Arengo-Jones, Jack Kenyon, Isabella Pursail, Ava Sutherland, Jack Turner, Jem Turner and Noah Wilmshurst. 

DofE Gold students at Buckingham Place Awards Event