Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

30th November 2023

Medics Enrichment

Our students interested in progressing into medicine continue to enjoy an action-packed calendar of talks, trips and enrichment this term.

On Tuesday 14th November Corporal Eleno Seru and Corporal Adam Martin from the Army Medical Services visited us to give a talk and answer questions on how to pursue a medical related career in the armed forces. 

On Thursday 16th November Vanessa Lazanakis from Sussex Dental group visited us with a really insightful talk and questions about life as a dentist. She spoke about NHS dentistry, hot topics, challenges facing the profession and how to communicate with patients. 

On the same day (16th November) we joined up with Varndean College at the end of college lessons to hear Brighton and Sussex Medical School give a talk on Medical ethics. This interesting talk included practical ethics and responsibilities. BSMS brought three medical students, one of whom was ex BHASVIC student Emma Taylor-Gallardo, now in her fifth year at BSMS (on the left of the photo below)

In the same week we also had a visit from Andy Baldwin, a GP, who gave an honest and insightful account of life as both a junior doctor and a GP. He had lots of good advice for our medical students. He also just happens to be the twin brother of our Principal!

This week Clement Locks, a drama student and Phoebe Bauer, a medics student, offered to help the second year medics with a role play ready for interviews. They practised a role play involving an angry patient which Clement acted out perfectly! Pictured from left to right are Savannah Bray, Phoebe Bauer (both medics) and Clement Locks on the right.

Last but not least our medics attended the first of Sir Chris Whitty’s three Medicine after disasters lecturers in Gresham Hall, London yesterday. He spoke in depth about medicine following nuclear and chemical incidents. There was a great question from Veronica at the end!