Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

06th February 2024

Oxbridge Offers

53 students BHASVIC students have been made an offer to study at Oxford and Cambridge next year. 187 students in total made applications with 53 offers representing a success rate of nearly 1 in 3 (compared to 1 in 7 nationally). Offers were spread evenly between Oxford (27) and Cambridge (26) with students applying to 29 different courses as varied as Computer Science, Law, Architecture, and Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic

‘I’m extremely proud of these students for receiving their offers from Oxford and Cambridge. The application process can be time-consuming and difficult to balance with demands of A level study, happening as it does at the start of their second year. The support BHASVIC students receive for Oxbridge applications is focussed on helping them to navigate the process and providing the best platform for students to express their love for their subjects and for learning. We avoid ‘coaching’ students for their tests and interviews, preferring to allow their individuality, intellectual curiosity and natural ability to shine through. We believe the high number of offers we receive is testament to the learning culture at BHASVIC and an approach in which every student is encouraged to think of Oxbridge as an option for them. We are a non-selective college and extremely proud of our open and inclusive learning culture where every student is given the chance to thrive. For those students who may be disappointed not to receive an offer from Oxford or Cambridge we know their outstanding applications and commitment to learning will lead them to success at a range of universities.

At BHASVIC we are committed to supporting students to explore a full range of progression options and look forward to celebrating the success of our Medics & Vets, UCAS, Art Foundation, and Employability & Enterprise students as they secure progression onto their preferred pathways.’

William Baldwin

Shahama – who has an offer to study Biochemistry at Oxford

“I can't quite remember the point at which I wanted to apply to Oxbridge — I've always wanted to go to university but have never considered any specific universities. During Freshers Fair, I signed up to the Oxbridge teams (for the fun if it) and ended up signing up to loads of experiences such as competitions and even got a place at a Summer School at Wadham College. It was during the summer school that I truly knew I wanted to apply to Oxford. I made some amazing friends (who I'm still in touch with now), enjoyed the lectures and lab-work and found the city so beautiful!

During my first year I signed up to every science-related opportunity that Talya (Oxbridge coordinator) posted on Microsoft Teams! And I think that's the biggest thing I gained from being at BHASVIC. Being proactive and signing up for experiences, even if I was unsure whether I'd enjoy it, has helped me grow so much. On top of gaining transferable skills, these experiences made personal statement writing easier too. When writing it, I had lots of support from my personal tutor, Talya, and from alumni (which was incredibly helpful). It was also really important that we never felt any pressure from the college to apply to Oxbridge, and, after applying, never felt the expectation to get an interview or an offer. The process can be incredibly stressful, so it was helpful that we never had an external pressure added on. As for what I'm excited for most at Oxford, is being taught by experts in the field. It's insane to think that people who are guests on podcast and shows that I've watched are going to be teaching me!”

Merit – Who has an offer to study History and Politics at Oxford

“I'm really fortunate to be in a college that has such extensive, specialised support to its aspiring Oxbridge students. Our Oxbridge co-ordinator Natalya and my form tutor both really helped me structure and improve my personal statement to make it more cohesive and representative of who I am and what I've studied. For those with admissions tests, there were several prep sessions, the ones I attended for the HAT ensured that I went into the test feeling confident. Moreover, BHASVIC's link with St John's college meant that I could attend a history taster session there as part of St John's inspire programme - this college trip is what made me realise that I wanted to apply to that particular college.

The course History and Politics stood out to me as a combination of my two favourite subjects, in a course that would allow me to gain an analytical and interdisciplinary perspective on the past, the present, and the link between them. It's such a versatile degree that I don't have to worry that my future past university will be limited to one area or career path.”

Caleb – Who has an offer to Study Computer Science at Oxford

“An Oxbridge application wasn't really on my radar until my brother's friends were going through the process (one year above me). I thought that I might as well give it shot, and when I began to look into it and started reading more Computer Science stuff in my free time I got more invested. I think I was mostly drawn to the high expectations, and rigour of their courses.

My tutor and computer science teacher gave me very helpful feedback on my personal statement while I was refining it. Throughout the run up to the MAT, STEP and Stretch (an afterschool club to help prepare for the entrance exams) really helped me to stay on track with my preparation and offered a space where I could tackle hard problems with my friends.

Since taking Computer Science at GCSE I've always found it very rewarding to learn more about the technology that I interact with everyday, and all of the interesting problems and solutions that surround it. I've also had a love for maths for a long time too and hearing that at Oxford they place an emphasis on it is really exciting (I think 1st year is ~50% maths modules). Finally, I am really excited about the opportunity to not just study under experts in the field but to learn from tutors in their own areas of expertise with the many optional modules available in 2nd and 3rd year.”