Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

16th August 2018

Record Breaking Exam Results at BHASVIC

BHASVIC is celebrating record breaking results this year with 90% of grades achieving A*-C. The college has consistently proven itself to be one of the best performing sixth-form colleges in the country but these results surpass the high expectations that already existed.

The overall pass rate was 99.4% (up 0.9% on the previous year). Of the 3,374 A levels sat, 15.6% of grades were A* nearly double the national average which stands at 8.0%. A*-A grades accounted for 40.7% of outcomes with an incredible 70% of grades at A*-B (up more than 6% on last year and 17% above national average). There will be very few non-selective state education providers nationally who are able to match these results and they cement BHASVIC’s reputation for excellence.

The results are all the more remarkable given that A levels reached ‘peak’ reform with results this year with an arguably more rigorous assessment process.

Vocational results were also very strong with 442 BTEC entries recording a 99.1% pass rate of which 79.4% achieved Distinction.

Fifty-seven students received an offer to study at Oxford or Cambridge University – many of whom come from a non-traditional Higher Education background which demonstrates BHASVIC’s commitment to social mobility. Higher Education statistics also show that BHASVIC students are more successful than others once at University showing that the learning culture that is nurtured here has a long-lasting impact.

One student, Jonathan Robinson, overcame considerable adversity to achieve an astonishing set of results. Involved in a traffic accident just before he was due to sit his A levels last year Jonathan spent two weeks in a coma last July. He had to overcome memory impairment and undertook considerable rehabilitation over the course of this year before returning to sit his exams this summer. Jonathan achieved 4 A* grades in Further Maths, Computer Science and Physics and will now be going on to study at Sussex University.

Principal, William Baldwin said:

‘I want to congratulate staff and students on these outstanding results. They reflect the commitment of a culmination of people that go way beyond the teacher and the student; support staff, governors, staff from previous schools, community partners, parents, carers, family and friends have all played a part in securing these outcomes and they should also be recognised, thanked and congratulated.

Whilst our results are incredibly important, let’s not forget for some students it’s an achievement to simply turn up to college and this will never be recognised by grade outcomes. Neither will the rich cultural, sporting and community based activities that contribute to the development of individuals whilst here. We want students to leave BHASVIC with the best grades possible and we also want them to leave BHASVIC as compassionate, responsible and thoughtful individuals.

We are delighted with our exam results which have improved significantly on previous years. Congratulations to all our students as they pursue the next stage in their lives – be that at University, on gap years, into the work place – we wish you the best of luck’.

BHASVIC A level results breakdown




A* – A

A* – B

A* – C







National Average (England)










