Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

15th August 2019

Record Results at BHASVIC: 99.7% pass rate for A level exams

BHASVIC’s results have improved yet again, even against last year’s record breaking outcomes.

The 99.7% pass rate for A level exams is up 0.3% on last year and 2.2% above national average. From a total of 3,600 A level entries, 90.3% of grades achieved A*- C (up 0.5%) with 71.4% gaining the coveted A*-B (up 1.4%) and a whopping 20.3% above the national average. This yet again demonstrates that BHASVIC is able to consistently deliver quality outcomes to a large number of students.

Our BTEC results are also of a high quality with a 98.7% pass rate and 66.2% of outcomes at Distinction or above.

This round of A levels saw all subjects adopt the new high stakes exams taken after two years of study, with BTECs also seeing the introduction of externally assessed exam components. With qualifications getting harder, this makes the achievements of BHASVIC students all the greater.

Forty students are off to Oxford or Cambridge from the 46 who were offered a place, with a further 23 pursuing medicine and veterinary science. The ratio of applicants from BHASVIC who are offered a place and then subsequently accepted by these highly selective pathways is extremely high, as is the number of this cohort coming from a widening participation background, which accounts for over 40% of those placed. This confirms that BHASVIC is living up to its mission to transform lives through learning.

William Baldwin, Principal said “As a college community we are absolutely delighted. We are consistently within the top 1% of state schools and colleges when it comes to A level results. Students have worked incredibly hard to achieve these outcomes and staff have worked tirelessly to prepare students for this round of exams. We have such a talented group of staff who are specialists at working with this age group, who nurture and support our students to unlock their potential. To sustain our A*-B grades at over 70% is an unprecedented achievement for a non-selective state provider.

I’d like to congratulate our students and pay tribute to the schools who laid the foundations for this success. I’d also like to thank parents and carers for the support they provide – they are such an important factor in the success of our community. Regardless of the grades achieved, if a student can say ‘I’ve done my best’ then they should be rightly proud. For some students, turning up to an exam is a big achievement in itself and it is important to remember this. What always interests me as a Principal is the individual stories behind these results - I love hearing what a great time students have had here, how we have helped support them and what they plan to do after BHASVIC.

If we have helped students to get to where they want to go next – whether that is University, whether it has been to help develop the confidence to take a gap year, or whether we’ve helped students decide they want to access the workplace directly after BHASVIC – then we have been the stepping stone that a sixth form college should be.

I think we are firmly known as a centre of excellence with outstanding outcomes, but also as a place where our students receive first class guidance and support, so that they Become Happy Active Successful Valued Independent members of the Community.” #BeMoreBHASVIC.