Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

27th November 2022

Visit from Kieran Maguire football finance author

Football finance author, celebrity’ Brighton & Hove Albion season ticket holder and importantly ex-BHASVIC student, visited the college 17th November to speak to our students.

Kieran Maguire presents a twice-weekly podcast alongside comedian Kevin Day, discussing finances of modern-day men and women’s football clubs. He has also written several books including The Price of Football.

I was fortunate enough to attend an excellent workshop run by Kieran (who always likes coming back to his old college) a few weeks ago arranged by the Sport and Business departments, Mandy and Karen who co-ordinate Alumni. It was a terrific opportunity to hear from Kieran about his journey from college into uni, via accounting (which he said he was rubbish at), then onto Football Finance which he has spent the last few decades specialising in. It was interesting to hear about his podcast, consultancy roles with the FA, BBC and government amongst others, and his book (which I have on my bathroom shelf!) The Price of Football. He has lectured at the University of Liverpool in football finance for the last decade or so and originally, before writing his book he thought it he might just sell a few copies – well that’s over 15,000 sold now!

His career journey was fascinating and the 50-60 sports and business students attending asked insightful questions and must have been encouraged by his route into the old saying – do a job you love and you never work a day in your life! Questions were asked about finances of the Premier League (and his summary was illuminating) and also some of the circumstances that have sent clubs into administration down the leagues. Being a long term BHA fan he will understand the damage that owners can do! It was an excellent session and as the UCAS co-ordinator it was very helpful for students to hear about the range of opportunities in higher education – Sport and Business are a great mix for career pathways. A few students stayed behind to ask questions and he was happy to chat about Di Zerbi and the positives of the Albion. Being a STH myself I enjoyed hearing the confirmation of positives from an expert. Thanks Kieran for coming and to all for organising. It was a very valuable and interesting experience.

Nikki Fabry
Guidance Manager and UCAS Lead