Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

What is a Pastoral Log and Support Plan? 
Support plans are recorded as concern threads on CEDAR and can be found under the pastoral log section. They are designed to be supportive and to help students develop and improve. Usually, they are discussed and agreed together but occasionally, if students are not attending lessons, the plans need to be drawn up in a student’s absence.  

When a concern thread is raised on CEDAR it may not initially start off as a support plan, but rather a record of an issue that has been raised. It becomes a support plan when it is colour coded either yellow, orange or red in accordance with our Student Behaviour Policy (this can be viewed on our Policies page) . At the start of a support plan, students agree targets and teachers ensure that they are aware of the support on offer to help them improve. A review date is set when they will look at progress made and agree the next steps. Students and teachers/tutors have the opportunity to update targets online, as they are achieved.  

In the vast majority of cases, students respond well to support planning and complete the appropriate targets on time. At yellow or orange level, students simply need to make some changes to what they are doing in order to ensure success.  

In those cases where a student does not respond to a support plan, they will move through a system of yellow, orange stages, with a review at each stage; before a final contract overseen by the Guidance Manager. This happens over several weeks and gives the student plenty of time to discuss progress and meet expectations. They are provided with an opportunity to reflect, develop and improve their studies.  

What is a Red Support Plan? 
A red support plan means that if the targets in this support plan are not met, then the student risks being withdrawn from the relevant subject. If the plan relates to more than one subject or a cross-college issue, and improvements are not made, the student could be asked to leave college. If the parent/carer has not already had contact with the student’s Guidance Manager, then they will need to contact them as a matter of urgency. 

What is a Sustainable Study or Final Contract*? 
In those cases where a student does not respond to support planning, or where there are Extenuating Personal Circumstances (EPC) that are a contributing factor in a student not responding to a support plan, a student may find they are on a sustainable study or final contract. This is where there is a recognition the study may no longer be sustainable unless there is change. This contract allows for some additional time for change but if the targets are not achieved, then withdrawal from the subject or college is likely.  

It is important to note that a Guidance Manager will only offer a sustainable study / final contract in exceptional circumstances, in consultation with the Head of Department, Head of Faculty and subject teachers. Any further failure to meet targets and expectations will result in withdrawal.


This is the full Sustainable Study Position Statement (Appendix C) of the Student Behaviour Policy, which is also available on the policies section of the website.