Dr Cassie Fairhead
Doctor at St Thomas’ Hospital
I took my A levels at BHASVIC from 2011 to 2013, after leaving Lewes Priory. BHASVIC was fantastic: the teachers were inspiring and incredibly supportive both in lessons and with university applications. What I appreciated most, though, was the mutual respect between teachers and students – I hugely valued being treated as an independent, responsible adult learner, and I think this set me up really well for the future. I studied Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Further Maths and Science in Society, and wrote a bioethics related Extended Project. From BHASVIC I went on to study Medicine at King’s College, Cambridge, with an intercalated BA in History and Philosophy of Science. I then moved to London, and completed Clinical School at UCL. I’m now an Academic Foundation Year 2 Doctor at St Thomas’ Hospital, and as well as a great team and interesting clinical rotations I’ve also had the opportunity to spend 4 months in research, working on HIV studies and Covid-19 vaccine trials. Although time has flown since A levels, the two years I spent at BHASVIC were invaluable in helping me get to where I want to be today.