Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

Michael Goodier

Journalist at the New Statesman

I started at BHASVIC in 2010 after doing my GCSEs at Blatchington Mill.Back then you had the option to drop a subject after one year - so in my first year I studied Geography, Politics, Biology and Chemistry, but dropped Geography at A2 level.
During my second year I started a music and culture website with some classmates - which is where my interest in journalism may have stemmed from.
I actually missed my predicted grades (apart from in Politics - thank you Neil, Jess and Dave) but that didn't matter as my first choice of university - Exeter - decided to uphold my offer with an A (Politics), A (Biology), and B (Chemisty).
The BA Politics course there was great - it offered me a study abroad year in Istanbul which I would totally recommend to anyone interested.
After graduating in 2016 I moved back to Brighton, and started working at the local TV station part time while pulling nights at the Co-op (the station didn't pay very well on its own).
With a colleague there I set up a social media local news initiative called Witness which broke down local stories into short shareable videos. We grew quickly and it helped him land a job at the Argus and me land a masters course in journalism at City University of London. 
I graduated there in 2018 - having learned some coding skills - and have since worked at the Mirror group, and now at the New Statesman group as a journalist focusing mainly on data-driven stories.