Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.









General IAG:

A2 Resources that may be useful:

UCAS and Personal Statements:

Example Personal Statements:

Guide to Higher Education & Employability Subject Guides:

Independent Living and Student Finances




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If you are applying through Clearing for 2024 entry, follow the below instructions, but use the buzzword: bhasvic24

How to apply 2025:  Please follow the below instructions and our help guide: UCAS Apply Form – How to Complete as an Ex-Student. Please ensure you leave the context section blank as you will link your application to BHASVIC to obtain a reference.


  1. Go to: UCAS students apply
  2. Click on ‘Register’ to create your account
  3. Compete the ‘REGISTER’ page and click ‘Register’
  4. Verify your account by entering the Code emailed to your email address you have entered
  5. Click on ‘Let’s go’ to start
  6. Enter your postcode of your home address
  7. Select your address and press ‘continue’
  8. Complete the ‘More information about you’
  9. Select ‘Undergraduate’
  10. Select whether you are interested in opportunities in finding an apprenticeship, conservatoire study, gap year or finding a job.
  11. Choose 2025 even if you are applying to defer entry, then press ‘continue’
  12. ‘Connect to your school’ enter ‘Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College’
  13. ‘Consent to share my data with my school, college, or centre’ select ‘yes’ then press ‘continue’
  14. Enter three subjects are you interested in, which universities and colleges are you interested in and which industries are you interested in, then press ‘continue’
  15. Complete your ‘Preferences’, and then press ‘save’
  16. Under ‘2025 Application’ choose ‘Start application’
  17. Under ‘Undergraduate’ click on ‘Start 2025 application’
  18. ‘Are you applying from a school, college, or centre?’ click ‘No’ as you no longer attend BHASVIC; you will link your application next. If you do not do this your application may not be seen and could be missed
  19. Under ‘Centre information’ click on ‘Add buzzword’
  20. It will state: ‘By linking to a centre, any reference and predicted grades already provided will be deleted. The centre will be required to approve your request to link to them. Do you want to proceed?’ click ‘Yes’
  21. ‘Link to a school, college, or centre using a Buzzword’ click ‘continue’
  22. Enter our buzzword: bhasvic25
  23. Press ‘Save Buzzword’
  24. Under ‘Your buzzword is for ‘Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College, 205 Dyke Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 6EG’ as this is correct click ‘Yes’
  25. ‘You have linked your application to Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College’, you will be asked to select a group please choose ‘Ex-Students’ if you choose any other group your application could be missed as these are for students currently enrolled at BHASVIC, then press ‘Save’
  26. ‘Application Status Centre Information’ it will say ‘on ……… you requested to link your application to Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College’. Now you MUST email: ucasreferences@bhasvic.ac.uk advising BHASVIC of your UCAS application, otherwise your application maybe missed. If your grades have changed, or you have or will be re-sitting exams, please include this in your email message; for re-sits at BHASVIC, your predicted grade will be either your previous predicted grade or one higher than your achieved grade, whichever grade is higher. Please also include in your email any information about extenuating circumstances which may have impacted your education/achievement and other supporting information specific to you and relevant to the course you are applying for.
  27. ‘University Choices: Please add in your choices and if you were involved in ‘Widening Participation’ at college, you should write ‘WP’ in the ‘Further Details’ box for all your university choices. Universities are more likely to make you an offer as you are in one of their ‘target groups’ for widening participation in higher education. Once you have added in all your choices, click on ‘Mark complete’ to finalise the section
  28. ‘Personal Details’: It is vital that you enter your full name, including ‘Middle Names’ within ‘First name’ on your UCAS application; this must match your passport. Your ‘preferred name’ can be added below. Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  29. Nationality details’: Please complete and make sure your correct details are entered. Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  30. Where you live’: Please complete and make sure your correct details are entered. Then confirm which is your home address. You will need to ‘Please select your area of permanent residence’; you need to get this right as it is where your student loan will come from (local authority). This will be where your current home address is situated; Brighton and Hove including West Saltdean and Portslade OR West Sussex including Southwick to the West OR East Sussex including East Saltdean to the East. Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  31. Contact details’: Please complete and make sure your correct details are entered. ‘Nominated Access’; you can add a sensible adult to contact universities / UCAS on your behalf, putting NO means only you can contact universities / UCAS. A nominated access person is useful – even if you never use it. Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  32. Supporting information’: Please complete and then check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  33. ‘Finance and Funding’: Funding for your studies should be ‘UK, Chl, IoM or EU student finance services’, this means you will be applying for student finance. ‘Student support arrangements’ this should MATCH your area of permanent residence. Your local authority will give you your students loan. Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  34. ‘Diversity and inclusion’: Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  35. More about you’: Please complete. UCAS has removed the application fee for students in receipt of free school meals, making it easier for young people experiencing acute financial hardship to access higher education. For those applying for 2025 entry and beyond, advisers will verify eligible students through the adviser portal, and these students will then no longer be required to pay the fee on completion of their UCAS application. If you have been eligible for free school meals, you should tick ‘yes’ whether you received them or not. Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  36. Education’: Enter all your GCSEs and other exams taken whilst at school under your secondary school name
  37. Education’: Enter all your exams taken at BHASVIC and enter them under the College’s full name: Brighton Hove & Sussex Sixth Form College. Our centre number is 56120
  38. Education’: If you have taken BTECs at BHASVIC you will need to add your BTEC number: You can find this on your BTEC qualification certificates. If not please email ucasreferences@bhasvic.ac.uk requesting your BTEC number
  39. Education’: Ex-students re-sitting exams at BHASVIC must have Brighton Hove & Sussex Sixth Form College under the education section twice; one for the actual time you attended with achieved grades and the other for the month you are re-sitting your exams
  40. Education’: You MUST enter your ULN. This 9-digit number is allocated to you throughout your education. If unknown please email ucasreferences@bhasvic.ac.uk requesting your ULN. Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  41. Employment’: Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  42. Extra activities’: Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  43. Personal Statement’: Once you have completed the section, check the ‘Mark this section as complete’ box then ‘Save this section’
  44. Once your application is complete and approved by BHASVIC, please pay by credit or debit card online; the UCAS application fee for this service is £28.50. This cannot be done until after 3 September 2024. If you have been eligible for free school meals, on payment please choose ‘Pay By Centre’ option which will enable us to send your application to UCAS. If you have not been eligible for free school meals, then choose the option to pay by card and pay for your application online. We will check our system and will return your application to you if the payment details have been entered incorrectly. Paying for your application does not send it to UCAS; it is BHASVIC that sends your application to UCAS.
  45. You will not be able to pay for your application until all the relevant sections have been saved and marked as complete
  46. In ’Pay/Send’ within the 'Declaration' section please ensure you tick the box 'I agree to allow details of my application and its progress to be shared with my school / college / centre'
  47. We will then be able to add your contextual information/reference and send the completed application to UCAS on your behalf within our 10-working day deadline.

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If you would like to arrange a meeting to check your application and personal statement, please email ucasreferences@bhasvic.ac.uk marking it for the attention of Nikki Fabry and requesting an apply session, we will then contact you to arrange a convenient meeting by phone, Teams or in-person.

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EARLY APPLICATION: 27 September 2024





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UCAS Deadline for Oxbridge/Medics/Vets/Dentistry: 15 October 2024

CUKAS External Deadline:
    2 October 2024 - for music courses - please check deadline dates with individual institutions
    29 January 2025 - for most undergraduate dance, drama or musical theatre courses - please check deadline dates with individual institutions

UCAS Deadline: 29 January 2025

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General IAG:

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A2 Resources that may be useful:

go to the top of the page 


UCAS and Personal Statements:

go to the top of the page 


Example Personal Statements:


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Guide to Higher Education & Employability Subject Guides:

go to the top of the page



Independent Living and Student Finances

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Please go to Higher Education  and scroll down the page to find resources.

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