Important Information


Main Reception will close from 12:45 on Thursday 11 July. Main Reception will be open from 9am to 3pm only from Monday 12 August until Wednesday 28 August. Normal college Reception opening hours will commence at 8am on Thursday 29 August. The college site will be open, except on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, however, most staff will be unavailable. If you need to contact a Department by email, please take a look at our Contact Us page.

16th March 2023

BHASVIC Higher Education Webinars

The BHASVIC Higher Education information webinar events for parents and carers, took place in early March for both our A1 (first year) & A2 (second year) students.

A1 Higher Education Webinar including Progression

Every student’s choice is different and individual to them, and at BHASVIC we help all our students in this process, giving them tools and ideas to support their independent research, ready to return to writing personal statements and applications in the Autumn term.  This webinar starts with a brief introduction to the variety of options now available post-18, and the support that is available at BHASVIC. We outline what studying a degree involves and focus on the important decision-making processes. We also covered how the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) application process works and provide an overview of student finance. 

A2 Higher Education Webinar including Student Finance

This event updated parents and carers about the process of transition into university (Higher Education).  Students are currently receiving offers from universities and weighing up their options before firming-up places. Our webinar covered topics such as accommodation and how you can prepare your young person for university life. We looked at student finance and how universities support students, including the Disabled Student Allowance, also addressing how BHASVIC can help your young person after leaving college, including how to apply to university as a former BHASVIC student. 

Support at home in making these life changing decisions is critical, and all evidence shows that parents and carers have a huge influence on their young person’s decisions.  We were able to answer questions on the night, but please do not hesitate to email he@bhasvic.ac.uk with any queries – large or small.  If we haven’t got an immediate answer, we will point you in the right direction.

Please check the wealth of resources on our Higher Education website page (scroll down the page for further specialist pathway information including: Oxbridge, Medics, Conservatoires) and see the helpful BHASVIC Parents and Carers Guide to Higher Education 2023-2024, designed to support you as our students navigate their journeys. Specialist careers advisers can offer further support for careers, widening participation (WP), work experience and higher education, so please encourage your young person to book an appointment with them by emailing careers@bhasvic.ac.uk if they would like further advice. Our student services team also offer advice on counselling, bursaries, financial support and welfare, please find full information on our website Our Support Services

Our Specialist Applications Evening for parents and carers of our A1 cohort will take place on-site on Wednesday 3 May 2023, invitations will be sent from our Events Department in due course. Further resources can also be found on our Careers & Employability page.

These events are deliberately timed to prepare parents and carers for supporting their young person through Progression Week in the Summer Term.