The A to Z Student Guide
In all communication at BHASVIC first year students are called A1 and second year students are called A2.
Welcome to our A-Z Student Guide. We are delighted that you have chosen to study at BHASVIC, and this guide contains lots of helpful tips and information about student life at BHASVIC. I hope that it answers many of your questions, but if you do need further information or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us in Student Services. The reception desk in the Student Services building is open 5 days a week, between 08:15 and 16:00 (except on Tuesday which will be 17:00) or you can phone Reception on 01273 552200 and ask for Students Services. We are updating and adding to our information and online guides all the time, so if you think there is anything missing, please do let us know: e-mail Student Services:
I hope that you find your time at the college to be enjoyable and we are able to support you to work hard and achieve well.
Alison Cousens
Vice Principal (Student Services)
We are proud to welcome you in to our community.
The experience of being a BHASVIC student will be something that you will remember for the rest of your life. Studying here is a rewarding and enriching experience. You are now part of a culture of academic excellence with aspirational standards aimed at securing the best outcomes for you. Our results are testament to this and are consistently some of the best in the country.
At BHASVIC you will be treated as an adult and teachers will work with you to maximise your learning potential. You will be taught more than just course content; we will ensure you develop the skills you need to be an independent, lifelong learner with the ability to think for yourself. On top of this, our first-class student services and guidance staff will ensure you are well supported at every step of the way.
Outside of lessons you will be part of a vibrant community with opportunities to engage in a wide range of activities that ensure there is something to suit everyone. BHASVIC is a contemporary, creative, learning community which you are now part of.
Best wishes
William Baldwin
Welcome to BHASVIC! As your Student Union, we’re here to help you during your time here. If by chance you encounter any problems, have any queries or any suggestions on improving student life then we want to talk to you. We can be found on Twitter (@bhasvicsu), Instagram, the Student Union VLE page, via email on or via the BHASVIC SU Facebook page. If you have a more specific query, for example a problem with discrimination in the college or a charity you think we should be supporting, then we can arrange a chat with whoever we feel is most suitable. Finally, we want to make sure that your time at BHASVIC is as fun and enjoyable as possible, an experience and not just an education. To do this we organise various outings, trips, charity events and numerous social events throughout the year, as well as working with the college’s Senior Management Team on issues around college policy and student welfare. Student Union
A full list of the Student Union Representatives can be found here
We want the college to be a safe and welcoming environment for all students, staff and visitors. To ensure this is the case, there are a few things we ask of you:
Under no circumstances must any student:
• Bring alcohol or drugs, including legal highs, on to the college site other than medicines prescribed for personal use and simple over-the-counter treatments for common medical symptoms.
• Come on to the college site whilst under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, other than prescribed or appropriate over-the-counter medicines.
• Use nicotine products anywhere on the college site. We also request that you smoke/vape off site away from public walkways, entrances or exits, thank you for your cooperation.
• Participate in gambling of any kind.
• Bully or harass any other member of the college community. Our policy on bullying and harassment is available as part of our Student Behaviour Management procedures for students on the college’s website. Please click here: Student Behaviour Policy. If you experience, or witness, bullying either in college or online, the most important thing to do is tell someone. You can speak to your teacher(s), Personal Tutor, Guidance Manager or any member of the Student Services team.
• Invite non-BHASVIC students on to college premises.
• If you are meeting friends who aren’t students at BHASVIC, please do this off-site.
Please remember to:
1. Carry or wear your student lanyard with your college ID card whilst on college premises and ensure it is with you at all times. *If you forget it, you should collect a temporary ID wristband from Reception, Student Services or the Library. You will need your card to access college services e.g., the Library, and to sit examinations. Safety Alert: Please ensure you do not wear lanyards when travelling in a vehicle.
2. Check your BHASVIC email daily and the front page of the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) regularly for important news and information.
3. Read the Student Code of Conduct (this can also be found in the Student Behaviour Policy above) as it provides information on core college community values, our basic rules and expectations. All students sign this and must agree to follow this contract as a BHASVIC student.
Also remember:
• To use the bins/recycling provided for litter, both in college and in our local community.
• The college does not provide car parking for students. Friends or family who have arranged to pick you up should arrange to meet you off-site. If you are taking driving lessons, your instructor should also wait for you off-site. Cars which are not authorised to be on-site may be clamped.
Failure to abide by the rules above may lead to disciplinary action, including meetings with parents/Carers and temporary or permanent suspension.
You must attend all timetabled lessons and tutorials. You must be available for 1-1 appointments, given appropriate notice, with members of staff throughout the college day.
If your attendance falls below 90% for no good reason by the end of the Spring Term you may jeopardise your place at the college.
What to do if you are absent:
The Parent Portal is now our only method of notifying the college of absences. If you require help setting up a Parent Portal account, please contact
After 5 consecutive days of absence, you will need to supply medical evidence.
Absences that have not been authorised within two weeks will remain unauthorised.
Our Attendance and Absence page has more information including information on what to do if you are absent from college and Parent Portal instructions for absence reporting.
Please Note: Holidays taken in term time are always an unauthorised absence. We also reserve the right to not authorise absences where there is a clear pattern of absence.
It is essential that you arrive on time and are well-prepared for all timetabled commitments. Arriving late to a lesson, even by a minute or two, is not acceptable and disrupts your own and others learning.
If you are late to a lesson, it is your responsibility to let your Teacher know that you have arrived, to explain why you are late and check the Teacher has marked you present on the register.
If your parent receives an absence text message but you attended the lesson, please either:
- Speak to the Teacher/Tutor directly and ask them to change the register mark.
- OR collect a Register Amendment Form from the Attendance Office, Room 108 College House, and return once completed and signed.
The BHASVIC Forum is open to all students that wish to participate and meets twice a term. It is an open forum where representatives can voice concerns expressed by members of their tutor group and put forward new ideas. It is also an occasion to let your Students’ Union and members of the College’s Senior Management Team know your views on how well they are doing and what you want them to do for you. We can be found on Twitter (@bhasvicsu), the Student Union VLE page.
BHASVLE is BHASVIC’s Virtual Learning Environment. It can be accessed from the college website and from home, with your usual college login name and password. Log on here
BHASVLE contains subject information and study related material uploaded by teachers, and has important notices and updates on the front page. The various menus give you access to key information on the support and services available to you at college, e.g. the Library, Catering, Study Support, Careers Information, Advice and Guidance, Confidential Counselling and Student Welfare.
Bike racks are provided on the college site. Please do not lock your bikes against any railings around the college. We advise you to use a security code, lock it with a D-lock and obtain insurance cover for your bicycle. The college takes no responsibility for bikes left on the premises.
Textbooks and other resources may be issued on loan to you for use during your time at college. You will have to pay the replacement cost of any item issued to you which is lost or unreasonably worn/damaged. At the beginning of your time at the college you pay £50 as a refundable deposit. This will be refunded to you when you return any loaned items in good condition at the end of your course, provided you have not incurred any other costs such as assessment fees.
As a BHASVIC student, you will receive support with your progression planning via the tutorial programme, and from the resources which can be found on the VLE.
However, in addition to this, we also have two fully-qualified and experienced Careers Advisers who can help you explore your options during a one-to-one appointment. This individualised service is open to all students and appointments can be booked via the Student Services reception desk, or by emailing
One-to-one guidance is designed to support students' aspirations, challenge preconceptions and open their eyes to the range of opportunities available to them. Our advisers are skilled in helping individuals assess their own skills, values and interests and how these may match future careers.
A key aim for us is to ensure that all students have the self-awareness and research skills they need for their future progression. We hope to equip all of our students with skills that will take them from BHASVIC onto the next stage of their education or career and beyond.
Our regularly updated VLE page provides up-to-date information about colleges and universities, career options, apprenticeships, gap years, voluntary work, working abroad and a variety of other possibilities. This is backed up by our annual Futures Fair where we have approximately 100 exhibitors available to guide our students in their choices.
Whether you’re looking for advice and guidance on your transition from College to Higher Education or the world of work, exploring longer-term career ideas, updating your CV or brushing up on interview techniques, our careers service will answer your questions and help you develop the required skills. Further detailed careers information and resources can be found here Careers and Employability
The Counselling Service at BHASVIC is provided by YMCA Dialogue, an organisation with over 20 years’ experience in delivering counselling and therapeutic services to children and young people. Our Lead Counsellor has over 25 years of experience and is supported by 6 other counsellors, with the aim of supporting as many students as possible. The service is fully accredited by the British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
The purpose of seeing one of our counsellors is to offer you a regular, supportive, safe and confidential space to talk about anything that is making you worried or upset, or any difficult thoughts you are having.
Young people come to counselling for lots of different reasons, such as:
• Sadness, depression, unhappiness, loneliness
• Difficulties with family and/or peer relationships
• Anger
• Worries about college or work
• Concerns about sex or sexuality
• Use of alcohol and/or drugs
• The illness or death of someone close to them
• Experience of sexual, physical or emotional abuse
• Self harm.
• Suicidal thoughts
What you say remains private - unless we think you or any other person is at risk of coming to serious harm. Even then we would hope to talk to you about it first. Sometimes young people ask us to talk to parents, carers, teachers or tutors on their behalf.
Your counsellor will listen to you and talk through any difficult things that are going on for you. Most students are offered 6 counselling sessions which last for 40 minutes each. However, sometimes people come for just one session and sometimes we see people for several months - this will depend on what you and your counsellor feel you need.
Whatever it is that is worrying you, no matter how small you think it may seem, if you want to talk to someone please get in touch. Please also see further support on Our Support Service.
Course costs
There are set charges attached to taking certain courses. These charges are for trips (excluding transport costs) and materials to ensure our high standards are maintained. Students are expected to pay ALL charges due before starting lessons at the college, unless otherwise agreed. The courses with charges attached and their amounts are in the College Prospectus. Please note: In your second year of study you may choose a Portfolio Course drawn from a range of options to supplement your learning, these may incur an additional charge.
Coursework deadlines
It is essential that you meet all your coursework deadlines. A updated copy of 'Coursework Deadlines - A Guide for Students and Parents ’ is available on Parents and Carers Calendar page. Your teachers will confirm any deadlines, please make a note of relevant dates in your diary.
Many courses involve trips and visits. We also run enrichment trips which aren’t linked to a particular course. You will be asked to get your parents’ permission to attend these in advance. Payment for all trips should be made on time, please speak to the Finance office if you need further information.
You will be given a BHASVIC email address and you will use this to send vital information to you and we ask that you check your college email daily. When emailing a member of BHASVIC staff, or emailing anyone from your BHASVIC email address, please consider carefully the tone of your message and be considerate and polite.
You can expect a response from a member of staff within five working days. Please note you should not expect a response in evenings or weekends and you should not normally email a member of staff over a matter that requires an immediate response – in these instances you must find someone and speak with them.
FOLLOW US ON: Instagram / Twitter / Facebook
More information about the use of email and Social Media (Instagram,Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Blogs, Forums etc) can be found on the Policies page. When communicating as a BHASVIC student, consider your online reputation and digital footprint. Always write professionally, with accurate spelling and grammar. Use the right level of formality.
IMPORTANT: Remember that online, anyone can read what you say and it can be re-posted anywhere. Imagine an employer, a university, or a parent was going to read your comment and then write it.
Microsoft 365
Your college account gives you access to Office 365 applications. Log in from the Office 365 icon on the Student dashboard or at
You will automatically be put in a Microsoft Team for each of your classes and your tutor group.
Network access
The college provides you with a Microsoft OneDrive for your personal file storage while you are enrolled at college.
If you forget your password, ask at the Library desk or you can visit the IT help desk in College House, room 126a which is also open for general enquiries during the college day.
Please see further information on our IT Support page.
The college offers a wide range of enrichment opportunities in three categories:
- Music and Drama - We have ensembles, bands, orchestras and a choir. We organise trips to concerts and recitals and you do not have to study music to take part. Many students take part in drama productions, not just as members of the cast, but also in stage management, costume and set design. You do not have to be a drama student to become involved.
- Sport - We have over 20 teams in a variety of sports and we also offer many non-competitive (or only slightly competitive!) sports. You do not have to be studying a sports course to represent the college. Look for the notices in Teams and the BHASVIC App or contact any member of the Sports Department if you are interested in any of the above or email for further information. Follow us on @bhasvicsport.
BHASVIC is committed to ensuring that everybody in our community (students, staff, parents, carers, governors and applicants) is treated fairly and equally. Our work to promote equality and human rights, and to tackle inequalities is integrated into our strategic planning to ensure that staff, students and the wider college community understand their responsibilities.
Students and staff are welcome to join the BHASVIC Inclusivity Group (BIG), which advises on EDI matters in the college, please go to Our Support Services for further information. Jackie Davies is the Welfare and EDI Coordinator and is located in Student Services.
Full information on Exams and Results can be found HERE.
College Policy on Exams and Assessment can be found on the policies page.
Students have the right to appeal their marks for course components which are assessed by the college, rather than the Awarding Organisation (most coursework and some Non-Examined Assessments (NEAs). The policy and procedures for making such an appeal are within the college's Exams Policy appendices, found on the policy page linked above. The procedures can also be requested from the Exams Office.
Whilst at BHASVIC, students have access to a range of support services. You can find more detailed information about each service here: Our Support Service and on our wellbeing page here: Wellbeing at BHASVIC
If you are finding it difficult to meet the costs of coming to college, please speak with Student Services Reception, your Personal Tutor or your Guidance Manager, who will advise you of any additional help the College is able to offer. All sources of financial support at the college have eligibility criteria and we always do our best to help and advise. More information can be found on Our Support Services under the heading Financial Support.
A wide variety of quality food and drink is available from the Copper Cafe, and Piazza Café including:
- Main meal of the day
- Hot Snack Boxes
- Paninis
- Freshly made Baguettes & Wraps
- Tea and Coffee
- Cakes & Muffins
- Cold Drinks & Confectionary
- Fruit, Yoghurts & Salad.
We are committed to accurate allergen labelling/ information and able to cater for specific dietary needs if given prior knowledge of your requirements. Please ask a member of the catering team if you require any assistance or have any questions. Both Vegetarian & Vegan Diets are catered for.
Copper Cafe: 8.00am until 3.00pm
Piazza Cafe: 8.00am until 2.45pm
We are able to take the following Payments: Cash, Card and Apple Pay. Money may also be loaded onto your student Id card on-line.
Please find us on the VLE: “Eat@BHASVIC” for the latest news and daily menus. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Vending machines are currently located in the Copper Café and Piazza Cafe.
We would appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that YOUR social areas remain clean and tidy. Please help us by ensuring that all rubbish is put in the bins and recycling bins provided.
Each student has a Personal Tutor and a Guidance Manager - you are assigned a Tutor Group reference, the first initials are your Personal Tutor and the second initials will be your Guidance Manager i.e. AMC/NJF.
Your Personal Tutor is there to support you and you will see them regularly. Your tutor will review your progress regularly based on assessments provided by your subject teachers. You can discuss any aspect of college life with them and also about any concerns or difficulties you have which are impacting on your ability to study. They will offer you advice and support and can refer you to your Guidance Manager and/or specialist services if needed.
Your Guidance Manager is also a source of support for you. Your tutor may refer you to them for advice, or you can refer yourself by speaking to a member of staff in the Student Services building, please visit the Student Services reception who will be able to help you.
The Student Services team provide specialist information, advice and guidance on a number of areas.
- Confidential Counselling
- Careers Information, Advice and Guidance
- Enrichment and Events
- Financial Support
- Student Welfare
- Widening Participation
- Work Experience
Please also see Our Support Services
Staying Safe – All departments at BHASVIC have Risk Assessments covering the activities that students are asked to participate in. These assessments reduce the risk of injury to a minimum, by the use of control measures (e.g. safety glasses, equipment guards, rules in sport etc.) These controls will be communicated to you for each activity. It is your responsibility to follow all procedures and controls as you have been told. If you are not sure about how to follow it, please don't hesitate to ask, all questions are important.
- Take care! Accept personal responsibility for your own safety and watch out for your fellow students.
- Follow the rules and warnings given to you in your lessons, in specialist areas (e.g. laboratories, workshops, studios and sports areas) and in other situations which may be hazardous - e.g. outside field work or work experience.
- Do not misuse, neglect, damage or interfere with any safety equipment. Your own safety, or that of other students, may depend on them working on another occasion.
- Report hazards to teaching staff or Reception. This could prevent other people from accident and injury.
- Accidents or Serious Illness - In the event of an accident or serious illness, please call for any member of staff to attend. If you are involved in an accident, even if it is relatively minor, please fill in an accident report form available from Reception.
- First Aid – There are green and white First Aid posters in every room. Ensure that you have read and understood the instructions. You can contact a First Aider by going to Reception, or by dialling 0 on a college phone.
- Fire and Emergency Procedures - In the event of a fire or other emergency, a siren will sound continuously and you will be asked to leave the building immediately, using the nearest exit. It is your responsibility to know the routine thoroughly. You must meet at the appropriate assembly point (see details on the FIRE NOTICE in each room). Wait at the assembly point until you are given further instructions. Do not re-enter any buildings unless instructed to do so by a member of staff.
- If the siren is intermittent, the building you are in is not threatened - stay alert; do not leave the building even if it is a break or lunch period. If you are in an outside area when the siren sounds, you must go to the nearest assembly point. Do not enter any building.
Student opinion plays an important part in the way that the college is run. All students complete surveys and you will elect representatives to participate in student voice focus groups throughout the year which enables them to feedback on their experience at BHASVIC. In addition, you can put your concerns and suggestions directly to members of the college’s Senior Leadership Team via the Cross College Council. You can also request information via the Student Union.
We look forward to welcoming you to BHASVIC Library.
- Opening times are 8.15am – 6.00pm (Monday -Thursday) and 8.15 - 5pm on Fridays. We offer a drop-in silent study space with computers, printers, study booths, charging points and wifi.
- We have resources to support all taught subjects at BHASVIC, including your textbooks, revision guides, books for further reading, magazines and journals. Do also check out the high-quality e-resources and e-books that can be accessed through your Library Hub.
- You are allowed to borrow up to 12 books at any time. Resources can be borrowed at the main library enquiry desk – please have your college ID.
- You are able to search for, reserve, and renew your books online by logging into your library catalogue – also available in the Library Hub.
- Library staff are always happy to help you find the information that you need, so do ask!
- If you have any questions about our library services please do email us at
These are available for the storage of inexpensive personal property. A locker can be hired for £10 (£5 rental fee plus £5 refundable deposit once the key is returned). Please note that the locker remains the property of the college and we reserve the right to open it without your permission if we feel there is a just reason for doing so. Any lost keys will incur a £5 charge, please speak to Reception or the Finance Office located in College House for more information.
Lost property
You must take responsibility for anything you bring into college. BHASVIC cannot take responsibility for any loss or damage, whatever the cause. Make sure you have appropriate insurance cover for items such as musical instruments, mobile phones, bicycles and anything else of value. We strongly advise that you do not bring large amounts of money into college – where this is unavoidable please check with the Finance Office located in College House for more information. If you lose any items, please go to Reception where they may have been handed in. If you find someone else’s lost property, please bring it to Reception where it will be logged and stored. Unclaimed lost property will be disposed of at the end of each term.
You have access to a personal network drive within the college, or via a link from the Student Dashboard main page, accessed by individual username and password. If you forget your password, ask at the Library desk or you can visit the IT help desk in College House, room 126a which is also open for general enquiries during the college day.
Please see further information on our IT Support page.
Many students have part-time jobs and gain personal and financial benefit from them. However, we ask that you take on no more than a maximum of ten hours per week. You must not arrange to undertake paid work at any time during the college day, as you may be required to attend meetings with staff at any time.
Plagiarism means taking someone else’s words, thoughts or ideas and trying to pass them off as your own. It is a form of cheating which is taken very seriously. It is alright to make reference to other people’s work, as long as you have given it credit in a bibliography and used quotation marks where appropriate.
Before you submit coursework, you will be asked to sign a statement confirming that you have read and followed the regulations. Don’t take any risk, and always ask your teacher for advice if you are unsure.
There are many ways that teachers and examiners detect plagiarism:
- Changes in the style of writing and use of language
- Familiarisation with the topics they are marking, and a good chance they may have read the source you have used
- Internet search engines and specialised computer software can be used to match phrases or pieces of text with original sources and to detect changes in the grammar and style of writing or punctuation.
Penalties for breaking the regulations
If it is discovered that you have broken the regulations, one of the following penalties will be applied by your awarding body:
- The piece of work will be awarded zero marks
- You will be disqualified from the unit for that exam session
- You will be disqualified from the whole subject for that exam session
- You will be disqualified and barred from entering again for a period of time
BHASVIC recognises that all members of the College community have the right to be safe and protected, both within the College and whilst engaged in College-related activities. The welfare and well being of students is of paramount importance, in and out of College.
Our basic safeguarding code is: "If you see something that doesn't seem right, say something to someone who can help".
The College ensures that effective safeguarding procedures are actively promoted through the College and that it is understood by all members of the community that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. This applies both online and in the physical environment. BHASVIC involves students in shaping these safeguarding practices and in promoting safety and wellbeing to everyone in the College community. We have a duty to safeguard our students from a number of risks which include: sexual abuse and inappropriate relationships, online grooming (including extremism and radicalisation), physical and emotional abuse or neglect, domestic violence, bullying, self-harm and victimisation due to race, sexual orientation, faith, gender, gender identity, age, marital status or disability.
I you have been affected by any of the above issues, or are concerned about someone else, we recommend you speak to your Personal Tutor or Guidance Manager or any other member of staff (one of your teachers, for example).
BHASVIC Policies
The Prevent Duty
Student Lanyards
We would like to remind all students to wear their lanyard IDs whilst onsite at BHASVIC. We need to be able to answer the question ‘How do we know who our students are?’ and lanyards provide us with the ability to answer that question and ensure the campus is as safe as it can be. Please can we ask you to ensure your ID is visible whilst onsite and comply with staff who ask you to produce and wear them to ensure you play your part in keeping everyone safe. Student Lanyard Poster.
What can I do if I am concerned about my or someone else's safety?
You can speak to any member of staff in the College. This could be your teacher, Personal Tutor, Guidance Manager, a member of the Safeguarding Team, or any other member of staff you feel able to talk to. All of our staff receive Safeguarding training.
The member of staff is not able to promise confidentiality, but will be able to refer you to the right person or Department, if there is a need to do so.
If the problem is something that you would prefer to speak to someone closer to your own age about, please speak to
Leah Glynn and Baye David, Equality and Welfare Officer's in the Student Union. You can find lots of useful advice on the Student Welfare page on the VLE.
Please speak to Student Services Reception if you require details on our Staff Safeguarding Team.
Emergency safeguarding information outside College hours:
Outside of College hours if you are concerned about a child's welfare, please contact the relevant agency in your area.
Brighton and Hove
Brighton and Hove Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub
01273 290400
East Sussex
Single Point of Advice (SPoA) Mon-Thurs 8.30am-5pm and Fri 8.30am-4.30pm.
Phone: 01323 464222
Out of Hours Social Care Service - Children's services: 01273 335905/6
West Sussex
Anyone who has concerns about the welfare of a child can contact a single countywide phone number, known as the 'MASH'. Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm: 01403 229900
At all other times, including nights, weekends and bank holidays, contact the 'out of hours' emergency team: 03302226664
If you are feeling unwell whilst at college, you should go to Reception, either to sign out and/or for Reception to call a First Aider. If you are using any medications, please communicate it to the First Aider.
A full list of the Student Union Representatives can be found here
Every year, hundreds of students visit the Welfare Office to seek advice and support on a variety of issues. There are far too many to list, but include:
- Money worries
- Mental health and emotional wellbeing
- Physical health
- Safety and crime
- Accommodation difficulties e.g. breakdown of family relationship leading to an insecure housing situation
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
- Smoking
- Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs
- Bullying
BHASVIC is also part of the C Card scheme run by NHS SHAC, which enables us to register students for the free app which gives them access to free condoms from pick up points across the city. We also provide non-judgemental advice and information about contraception, STIs, relationship and sexual health, pregnancy and on-site self-testing for Chlamydia and gonorrhoea. NHS SHAC provides various services to support Under 25's with their sexual health choices, as well as provides free STI testing kits that can be sent to their home address.
Any student who wants to speak to a member of our Welfare Team from September can self-refer by completing BHASVIC's Counselling and Welfare Referral System 2021-2022
Please also see further information on Our Support Services.
The student area is based in Room 411 and staff are based in 420 (both in The Copper Building). If you are having difficulties with your college work, speak to your Tutor who may refer you to Learning Support for additional help, or come and book an appointment to discuss your needs with one of the Study Skills team.
- The college computer system is provided for you to carry out work related to your college work only.
- You are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your password. You will be held responsible for any breach of the college rules committed using your computer account.
- All students have to accept an agreement when they logon that means they are agreeing to abide by the college’s rules concerning the computer network.
- Please read the Student’s Acceptable Use Policy which can be found on your desktop.
- Only use software that is provided for your use by the college. Any attempts to install software will result in disciplinary action.
- The internet is for educational use; you must not access unsuitable material. All internet activity is monitored and improper use can result in disciplinary action.
- Do not download executable files, music, movies, or any copyrighted material.
- Report any faults to your Teacher or other supervising member of staff.
- You must not use the system in such a way as to cause inconvenience to others.
- When you leave a computer area, ensure that you tidy up after yourself, placing unwanted print outs in the recycling.
- No eating or drinking is allowed in the vicinity of computers under any circumstances.
- You are responsible for making backup copies of all your work in case of a system failure.
Only BHASVIC students and staff are allowed on college premises. All visitors must report to Reception and display a visitor’s badge. The member of staff they are visiting is responsible for them whilst they are on college premises. All staff and students are issued with a lanyard and ID which should be visible and carried at all times.
Widening Participation is a government initiative aimed at supporting social mobility and ensuring that all students have access to high quality information, advice and guidance in order to help them make appropriate decisions regarding their future.
BHASVIC works closely with a number of organisations, both locally and nationally, to encourage students from all backgrounds to consider Higher Education. We will help students to conduct research and consider the most appropriate route for them. Widening participation offers free, no risk opportunities for students to ensure they understand what is involved in undertaking a university undergraduate degree. Students are able apply for whichever opportunities they feel are appropriate.
The work we undertake is intended to enable students to make informed decisions about their future; if a student does not feel that Higher Education is for them then we will support them in their search for employment or other progression routes of interest to them e.g. gap years, college leaver schemes or apprenticeships.
The opportunities offered to Widening Participation students are varied and can include subject-specific taster days, one to one careers support, advice in making university choices and support with personal statements and interview preparation.
Over half our first year intake qualified for some sort of Widening Participation scheme in 2016-17, and we have an outstanding reputation for our work in this field, leading the way in best practice and sending regular newsletters home to ensure there is support for parents and carers too.
Our Widening Participation scheme is managed within our Student Services department and for further information or questions, please email
You can find out more about Widening Participation here
Work experience is a great opportunity to broaden your skills, build confidence and help you stand out from the crowd. For some industry sectors work experience is essential to make contacts and find a job.
We know how much harder it is to secure work experience without connections so speak to us and we'll do our best to help. We can help you research and approach businesses and apply for positions.
You can find more information, including where to find opportunities, in our Work Experience section on the support services page.